Take note

It was spring. I cannot recall the specifics, only the spectacular nature of the event. Whatever happened seemed worthy of recording—a definite ‘take note’ moment.

Grabbing a 3×5 note card, I recorded the incident, including the date in the corner of the card.

The thought of documenting miraculous moments seemed like one of those ‘gotta do it’ situations.

I looked around my home, considering where I might stash this, and future notes.

The enamel bread box corralling the antique rolling pins was perfect. Easily accessible on the kitchen counter and large enough to hold months of memorable moments.

Happy, I slid the card deep into the tin.

For me, unless a system is workable and easy to facilitate, it will not be sustainable. A quick trip to my neighborhood dollar store scored a notepad with 150 blank white pages. The pad fits in a container with a couple of pens in the drawer by the sink.

Documenting the delightful and delivering each note to the bread tin has been a blast.

Like a massage for my soul, recording things I am grateful for has been life-giving. I am paying attention and observing everything. My life is fuller by noting the marvelous—even the minuscule things. Giving thanks for what may otherwise be overlooked increases my happiness.

Thanksgiving came to mind when the ‘take note’ idea first surfaced. It seemed the perfect time to upend the bread box, excavate the cards, and revisit all the goodness.

Next weekend I hope to light a candle, turn on a favorite playlist, and enjoy some hot tea while snuggling under cozy blankets on the couch. And then, one by one, I will revisit each documented moment.

Before reading a single entry, my heart is already grateful for the grace to stop and take note. No doubt, the small investment of time will pay huge dividends.

take note record moments

I suspect I will be pleasantly surprised and possibly overwhelmed as I read, remember, and relive moments long forgotten. One thing I am sure of is seeing God’s faithfulness, His constant care, and unending love.

My notepad is thin, but there are enough pages to record whatever goodness comes between now and when I recount the mighty movements of my Maker.

I can’t think of a better way to launch into the Christmas season than purchasing a fresh notepad to begin recording an entire year of answered prayers, holy happenings, and grateful moments.

…let us observe the propriety of remembering the way in which the Lord God hath led us. If we consider the trials and sorrows of the present life as a part of that holy dispensation, in that proportion shall we be disposed to glorify God. If we trace the hand of man in these events, this may produce disquietude; but if we could extend our view to the furthest limit, all this would frequently be a matter of gratitude, and we should be enabled to give thanks to God in everything. Let us look forward to that state in which we shall have His kindness fully displayed.

R. Hall

Do you record moments to review at a specific time? Do tell—I am eager to hear.


A silly sheep drenched in grace, inviting others to follow the Gentle Shepherd as we stumble Home. Author, speaker, giddy-greedy-grateful girl for all of God's goodness!

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8 Responses

  1. Cheryl Clarke says:

    When we were doing BTCL you gave us an apple shaped notepad. I have filled it with Nancy-isms and other nuggets of truth over the years. Rereading is always encouraging and invigorating.

    I can’t…… He can… Let’s go!!!

    • nancy says:

      Oh my—what a boomerang blessing Cheryl! I vaguely remember the notebook, but I’m thrilled to know you used it to record encouraging snippets.

      How I needed to hear those specific words today—“I can’t …He can…let’s go!

      Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cheryl White says:

    Yes and Amen Sister! I love this! I record events and moments I am thankful for in a handmade book. The outside binding of the book says in gold letters, “I Came To Love You!” I pray your post will encourage many others to do the same. It really is the best recipe for Joy!

  3. Starr says:

    Have a Wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving 🙏🏼 Day!

  4. Mary says:

    I remember pastor Tom Nelson once said that if his house was on fire he would grab his answered prayer journal. I agree. I’ve been keeping track of God’s faithful love in answered prayers for years. Setting aside time to look through those journals is a great idea and perfect to do at Thanksgiving. Thanks, Nancy

    • nancy says:

      Oh, Mary, I look forward to hearing about your experience! Your faithfulness to record His movements will be a double blessing as you recall things long forgotten. Enjoy your time revisiting answered prayers and giving thanks—again.

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