Encourage yourself bolster faith

A dear friend invited me to help stage some new merchandise at their non-profit coffee shop. Happy to help, I had no idea God would use the experience to encourage me and bolster my faith.

Zera Coffee Company supports the ministry of Denton Freedom House, where individuals enslaved by addiction find freedom through the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

In between tasks, I chatted with a couple of precious ladies currently going through the women’s program. Working at the coffee shop is part of their training. God used them, and our conversations, to remind me of His eternal goodness in a fresh way.


Is it possible that we are more alike than we realize?

We all have a story— a mixture of highs and lows, delirious delights offset with agonizing sorrows. We have all messed up, covered up, not shown up, or shown up in ways we should not have. 

Listening to my new acquaintance, I heard much of myself in her story. While her details varied from mine, we have both tasted the bitterness of regret, swallowed shame, and nearly drowned in hopelessness. Our hurts wrapped us tightly in a cloak of protective defensiveness making grace nearly impenetrable. But God.


As this precious gal shared snippets of her story I could see myself, years ago, at the same junctures. The same feelings and struggles, the same lies believed because of truths unknown or unapplied, the same destructive forces running rampant through both of our lives. 

Like cream poured into coffee, pertinent truths swirled through my mind as we conversed. I shared vital scriptures, words that forever altered my life, with this dear soul. And in the offering, the saying, and hearing of these transformational truths, my own heart was stirred. 

Remembering the need, the remedy, and then the realization of specific scriptures manifesting themselves in my life filled me with fresh wonder.

God is amazing.


When her unbelief, troubling doubts, and confusion appeared in the conversation, Numbers 23:19  brought comfort, clarity, and championing grace. Knowing who God is and what He says changes everything

God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that he should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?

numbers 23:19 nkjv

When the tsunami of regret threatened to drown my new friend in the sea of “It’s Too Late—I Am Too Far Gone,” Joel 2:25 came in like a life preserver.

We cannot out sin God’s grace. The One who dwells beyond time can restore what we believe is forever ruined or lost. God is all about redemption.

I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm—my great army that I sent among you.

joel 2:25 niv

As she told more of her story, a sense of hopelessness surfaced. Unbelief along with those scary ‘unknowns’ about how things could ever change contrasted with the brightness of Romans 15:13.

A flicker of hope sparkled in her eyes. Moments later a wide, radiant smile flashed across her face for a split second, flooding my heart with delight.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

romans 15:13 niv

Passing on these life-altering verses felt like a double shot of espresso for my soul. I pray they become anchoring realities for my new friend. 


A bit later I had the privilege of chatting with another lady enrolled in the program who also works at the coffee shop. 

Relaying stories of God’s faithfulness and the way He has moved in my life brought her to tears, gave her goosebumps, and caused her hand to be raised in praise for His goodness.

We bonded over our common encounters with God’s faithfulness. Our shared delight in His ways infused both of us with joy and left us marveling over His incredible acts. Our love of God and adoration for Him deepened.

It has been years since I have shared many of the stories I recounted, but telling them bolstered my faith. Remembering His actions dazzled my soul, infusing me with fresh encouragement. Awe-struck wonder accosted me as I spoke about His goodness extended to me over several decades.

And all along I thought I was there to help stage and display new merchandise.


How long has it been since you revisited the wondrous ways God has met, ministered, and moved in your life? 

Can you recall the last time you testified of God’s transforming touches in your life?

If you want some encouragement or desire a faith boost, reflect on what God has done in your precious life. And if you have a chance to share your God stories with someone else— do it! No doubt you will be awe-struck, surprised, encouraged, and more in love with your Maker by the time you are through.

For those of you who are in the area, maybe you can meet a friend at Zera’s. You can both tell of God’s redemptive work in your lives over a cup of coffee with a cause and celebrate His love.

I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us— yes, the many good things he has done for Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses.   Isaiah 63:7

For more faith-bolstering truth and encouragement, hop over to the SALTY OATS page.


A silly sheep drenched in grace, inviting others to follow the Gentle Shepherd as we stumble Home. Author, speaker, giddy-greedy-grateful girl for all of God's goodness!

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10 Responses

  1. Mary says:

    What a great reminder to remember God’s faithfulness! Zera’s is my favorite place to meet with my mentees.

  2. Kasandra says:

    Thank you Nancy, such wise words! It is so very helpful to remember God’s provision, guidance, and protection in our lives!

    • nancy says:

      Kasandra—glad to know you found the reminder helpful. I would love to hear of your experience if and when you share with someone else. Great to see you here.

  3. Sharon Dumas says:

    Just a week ago, I was back in Denton for a medical appointment & had a wonderful visit at Zera’s too with a dear younger woman who was in a Mom’s group with in 2007. God has continued to knit our hearts together & as your encounter with these women, it was such a blessing to encourage each other with God’s truth—a balm for our souls. Just think how Eternity is going to be when we’re all together before Jesus—GLORY 🙌🏼💙

  4. Cheryl White says:

    Nancy, you were there to help stage and display new merchandise!… the merchandise you were displaying so beautifully just happened to be free…. Joy, hope, faith and love. Thank you for sharing this friend!

    • nancy says:

      Awwwww—now that is an incredible thought and so kind. My pleasure to share. THANK YOU for stopping by to read, AND leaving a comment!

  5. Debbie Tjahjono says:

    May there be more encounters of this kind in our lives, with people who are hungry to hear of His transforming grace (even though they may not know they are)! Stopping to take time and listen to their stories opens doors for us to share ours.
    Thanks for sharing, Nancy!

    • nancy says:

      What a privilege it is to hear someone’s story and to see God drawing them to Himself. And recounting His goodness in the hopes of encouraging another—nothing better. Thanks for your comments, Debbie.

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