Same Invitation, Different Direction

Melting down the wall decades ago, unable and unwilling to continue in the current course of life, I heard the sweetest words ever, “Follow Me.” Jesus’ invitation was a balm to my desperate soul.

Fresh hope doused my discouragement, infusing my ravaged heart with strength. The thought of accompanying Jesus wherever He led seemed feasible. Things could not get worse, and continuing on the current course was no longer an option.

Desperation and a refusal to participate in the chaotic cycle of insanity brought me to the end of myself and opened my ears to hear Christ’s life-saving offer. My “Yes, I will follow You” response set me on a course I never imagined.

Following Jesus has been one incredible adventure. Not without grief, loss, pain, heartbreak, challenges, or disappointment, but more fulfilling than going it alone. And seeing His plan and purposes in what seems ‘random’ always sets my heart ablaze, provoking earnest praise to God. Joy overflows when I recognize His handiwork and realize His power, provision, and providence.

This past week I followed Him to the mountains of North Carolina. He used a dear friend to rekindle a smoldering, almost extinguished desire and fan it into reality.

Today I am thankful for her God-given persistence. When Sarah’s first attempts to plan a ‘birthday adventure’ for me were met with indifference and general disinterest, she waited. Well, until the next day. She asked more questions about points of interest, but none came to mind. On the third day, Sarah inquired about a place I had mentioned years ago.

The charming town author Jan Karon created in her Mitford series spoke to my heart. And not only mine, millions of others as well. Jan’s stories brought droves of folks to Blowing Rock, North Carolina, in hopes of experiencing some of what she described.

I was all in.

We traveled 2000-plus miles through rolling hills and around corkscrew mountain switchbacks. Dazzling vistas or gorgeous scenery appeared at every turn, literally.

From our first overnight stop, it was apparent God was our tour guide. Throughout our trip, He continued to reveal Himself, thrilling both of us.

I laugh now, realizing God used Sarah’s longing for a celebratory adventure to awaken and then answer a dormant desire of my own. Following God, with the help of a sister in Christ, led me on a birthday excursion I will never forget. I thank God for my friend’s sensitivity to His Spirit as she follows Jesus.

Sometimes following Christ takes a loving, persistent Jesus-following friend. I hope you have one of those.

Lord, help us follow You, and before we miss anything, bring a loving friend to help nudge us in the direction You would have us go. Thanks for the delightful surprises You arrange that stir our affections and melt us in adoration. Some gifts leave us speechless, humbly falling to our knees in gratitude, worshiping You in awed astonishment. Thank You for loving us so well by inviting us to follow You—what an adventure!

“Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

Matthew 4:19 Berean Standard Bible

If you are in need of an adventure but unable to travel, check out Jan’s Mitford series. You will not be disappointed.


A silly sheep drenched in grace, inviting others to follow the Gentle Shepherd as we stumble Home. Author, speaker, giddy-greedy-grateful girl for all of God's goodness!

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