luck of the draw

The things that happen do not happen by chance, they happen entirely in the decree of God. God is working out His purposes.



This past weekend a group of friends, old and new, pushed the pause button on life. We fled to our favorite fall retreat spot–a tranquil location we have visited for the last fifteen years.

Every retreat is different in theme, message, and the silly antics of our annual Friday night game. But one thing is constant–God’s presence. What I never imagined was God surprising me with a special gift.

Several months before the retreat, a friend asked if I would like some prayer cards she stumbled upon while she was out shopping.

A sense of interest, and curiosity, swirled in my mind.

My friend was unaware that one portion of our retreat would focus on prayer.

I happily received the cards, then asked the Lord how to incorporate them.

While preparations continued, I listened for His answer.

A couple of days before our retreat, I sensed the plan. But only part of it.


After listening to an elderly saint share how easy it is to limit God through our unbelief, we considered our own lives.

Where were we limiting God?

We all wrote out a prayer. Each of us asked God to move beyond the limits we had established by doubt, fear, and unbelief.

After depositing our written prayers in a wicker basket, we drew a scripture card from a polka-dotted gift bag.

My first inkling that God was working through the cards was one woman’s awe-struck question, “These cards are all the same, right?”

“Nope, each one is different,” I replied.

Lunch was imminent, so we headed off to the dining hall.


On a whim, before launching into our next session, I asked the ladies to read the cards they drew from the bag.

When the lady healing from a recent knee replacement surgery read, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps,” I smiled.   

The single mother enduring ongoing legal issues with her ex-husband proclaimed, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 

My heart lept. 

Refusing to budge from the safety of God’s presence, she remains in the furnace of affliction, trusting God with the process, His purposes, and the outcome. The raging inferno is redeeming and refining her increasingly dazzling faith. 

“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the Word of our God shall stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8

Of course.

The gal who read this card has a track record of immersing herself in God’s truth. She believes God and His Word more than ever.

Another woman embroiled in physical, emotional, and relational pain declared, “God has you in the palm of His hand.” Isaiah 49:16 

Indeed He does, dear one.

It was more than I could take.

Overcome by God’s tender mercies, His knowledge of us, and His exquisite care, I choked up–unable to speak.

Before our event, I had asked God to do some of that ‘exceedingly abundantly’ work He is known for at the retreat this year.


One by one, the ladies read their scripture cards.

His outrageous love for each woman washed over us as they recited their scripture.

Each truth boldly declared God’s nearness, faithfulness, and intimate knowledge of them.

While these pronouncements of pertinent truths rang out, I was reminded that God sees, God knows, and He is working.

I found myself smack-dab in the middle of an answered prayer.

I know these ladies and their stories. We cry out to God amidst the pain, heartache, and struggles in our lives. We carry each other’s burdens when the weight of concern threatens to crush us.

He was exceedingly gracious to deliver a personal message of hope to each woman through gifted scripture cards.

Then, the personalized gift tags, prepared in advance came to mind.

You are seen by God.

You are known by God.

You are deeply loved by God.

Thank You, Lord.


Luck is for rabbits. And yet their little feet used to end up on keychains! (Insert shocked emoji here.) I am not sure if you are old enough to remember those.

Providence, not luck, governs the affairs of humans.

What I perceive as a last-minute shift could very well be His intended purpose. I want to hold loosely to my plans and desires to discover His good and perfect will. Submitting my thoughts and feelings to Him creates margin and clarity to behold Him, His plan, and His will.

When I fished out my card, the celebration continued.

The apostle Paul’s heartfelt statement to the church at Philippi matched my feelings for these precious women.

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.” Philippians 1:3

Indeed I do.


At the last minute, a case of pink eye kept one participant from attending. She wanted to gift her spot at the retreat so another woman attended in her place.

Yesterday, as I gathered retreat materials to mail to our recovering friend, a final card was retrieved from the stack.

As I read my heart swelled in delight.

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercies endure forever.” Psalm 136:1


How I praise Him for His goodness overflowing the hearts of His kids. Help us recognize and acknowledge Your goodness, Lord.

I thanked God for the generosity of my sister in Christ who offered her place to another.

I acknowledged His goodness in drawing and ministering to the precious saint who took her spot.

Watching Him orchestrate every detail of the retreat and then seeing the results in each heart, including the last-minute participant, increased my confidence in His perfect plan.

No matter what happens, God is on His throne. He is good. And His mercies endure forever.


Staying sensitive to the Spirit and responsive to His promptings makes life one grand adventure. Being willing to follow however and wherever He leads is never boring.

How have you seen God move in unexpected ways recently?


A silly sheep drenched in grace, inviting others to follow the Gentle Shepherd as we stumble Home. Author, speaker, giddy-greedy-grateful girl for all of God's goodness!

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8 Responses

  1. Peggy says:

    Thanks to The Lord for guiding you in the retreat each year! So enjoyed it!! And so enjoyed this reminder of the weekend! Love you sister!

  2. Starr says:

    Thank you Nancy for all that God Leads you to do!
    Sharing the retreat events, stories of this year’s retreat was a blessing to me.
    Praying that this Pink eye will be over soon so I can love on the babies once again!
    Pink eyes still here this morning! 🙏🏼
    Thank you for the retreat material, Spotify retreat music too!
    What a blessing you are.
    Love you all ❤️

  3. Sandra says:

    I am so sorry I missed the retreat this year
    I won’t let doubt keep me away!!

    • nancy says:

      Yes, Sandra, don’t let doubt rob you of anything our good God has for you.

      Next year!!!! Looking forward to having you join us. 💜💖💜

  4. Mary says:

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder that God’s Word never returns void. It shall accomplish all He wants it to and prosper everywhere He sends it!

    • nancy says:

      AMEN! Praying for fertile ground for the body of Christ to receive the wonder of God’s Word. Asking God to prepare hearts hardened to Freedom and Love to be softened. May His kids be eager to share the hope we have with those still walking in darkness.

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