I was minding my business. In reality, I was helping my mother with her business—choosing floor covering.

The flooring department at Home Depot looked deserted last Friday morning. We perused the aisles looking at various options until a specific carpet sample captured her attention. Familiar with my mother’s ‘that’s it’ decision-making process, we wanted to arrange the installation.

There were no store associates at the desks located in the home services area. A young man with a big smile pulling a loaded pallet jack caught my eye when he appeared from behind a kitchen display. I inquired if he was able to help us with carpeting. His smile broadened as he left his load and made his way to us.

Extending his hand, he introduced himself as Caleb, saying he would be happy to help. He told me flooring was not his department and pulled two chairs from under the table for my mother and me to sit on.

Once seated, the process started rolling quickly. Not in the carpet ordering realm, but in an altogether different fashion.

Image by Marijana from Pixabay


Like a well-matched tennis game, the conversation went back and forth with rhythmic ease.

I told Caleb I liked his name.

He said it was a biblical name.

“Yes, it is. And a grand one.” I replied.

He responded by commenting about Joshua, Caleb’s faith-filled comrade in the Bible.

I said, “Your parents must love Jesus.”

“My father was a minister. I was the wayward pastor’s kid.”

He divulged more about himself and his life. Each time I affirmed him or inquired about something he shared. Soon he was poring it all out—telling his story, talking about the mess he had made of his life and the local recovery program he had gone through.

“What program was that?” I asked.

Denton Freedom House,” he stated.

Of course!

We fell into an even deeper conversation as we discussed my friends who began the Freedom House in 2004. I told him I had been texting Karen, who started the ministry with her husband, that morning. I asked if I might take a picture of him to send to her. He readily agreed.

Like hit and giggle, non-competitive social tennis, we were having a terrific time. My little momma, like a spectator, sat wondering about her carpet order.


He continued doling out more of his story and his hope because of Christ.

His previous job ensnared and enslaved him with the idols (his word) of money and success. He discovered he had a knack for sales, but the evils he could afford destroyed his life. People became dollar signs, something to conquer, and he did not like who he was becoming.

When his father and girlfriend died, the pain was excruciating. Then waking up with a broken back without any accident, previous trouble, or issues helped him realize something had to change.

Enter God’s rescue in the form of another sale. But this time Caleb’s commission was out of this world. Literally.

The man he sold the fitness membership to gave him, without cost, the love of Jesus. He is the same man who started the Denton Freedom House. When Caleb finally cratered he called Jeremy, Karen’s husband, and entered their recovery program.

A text came in from Karen asking if I knew Caleb.

I do now: I texted back.

My phone chimed, and I read her message: Jesus sure does love him.

He spoke of the darkness he saw in fellow employees and many of the customers he encountered. His heart was seemingly saddened. When he told about engaging fellow employees who were Christians, his face brightened. Immediately two coworkers appeared. One happened to be a flooring assistant.

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Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay


Caleb informed me it was his last day at Home Depot. He also stated that he knew our encounter was not a coincidence and wished believers were bolder and more open about our faith.

Amen, Caleb, Amen!

Earlier in the week, my mother had asked to change our shopping trip to Thursday, but I was out of town.

The absence of flooring assistants and Caleb’s appearance could make one think there was a divinely orchestrated plan unfolding.

Later that day, Caleb texted Karen: God puts us in the perfect place at the perfect time just to remind us of how much He loves us.

Indeed He does, Caleb.

While minding my business by helping my mom, God allowed me to mind a bit of His business. He provided the opportunity to meet a brother in Christ and to hear about His transforming work in Caleb’s heart.

When our lives intersect with others, delightful discoveries can occur. Minding the Spirit’s promptings makes way for the majestic. There are no coincidences for a child of the Most High God, which makes life one grand adventure. Forsaking my business to discover His never disappoints.

One more thing. The Israelites, Caleb, and Joshua were considered faithful in their time for standing for God when others would not. What joy, seeing another Caleb living with the same heart.

Minding my own business


Reminders are vital as we head for Home.

Remembering who God is, what He has promised, and how He has told us to navigate life is crucial.

Fear can silence us, robbing us and others of connecting with and encouraging one another.

Do not fear believer, the Lord is with you.

And Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had spied out the land, tore their clothes and said to all the congregation of the people of Israel, “The land, which we passed through to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them.”

Numbers 14:6-9

If you belive in Jesus, you will find that God has nourished in you mighty torrents of blessings for others. Oswald Chambers

Thanks, Caleb, for the refreshing encounter. Carry on mighty man of God—be strong and courageous and do not fear. Keep telling your story. We are all one day closer to Home but there are many who need to know the transforming power of our Father.

  • How has God allowed you to mind a bit of His business lately? I would love to hear about your experience. Leave your comment below.


A silly sheep drenched in grace, inviting others to follow the Gentle Shepherd as we stumble Home. Author, speaker, giddy-greedy-grateful girl for all of God's goodness!

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8 Responses

  1. summer j. says:

    This was beautiful. I just inhaled and exhaled a big sigh of relief and satisfaction of soul.

    This is very well put. I appreciate Caleb’s expression of wishing believers were more open and bold about sharing what Jesus has done in and through them. We never know how knowing Jesus personally will lead to God using us to pour out His love on others and to encourage them in just the right way. Abiding in His love is key.

    I am refreshed as well as I read through this encounter. The easy yoke of the Savior shines brightly, leading the Way.

    We may have run from Him in the past as we pursued fleeting pleasures, but His love and Amazing Grace was and is powerful enough to overtake us until all we desire is Him.

    The Fountain that never runs dry. May we, like Caleb and Joshua, trust His heart, His Promise, His Word, His Plan, for He never fails.

    What a good, good Father. 🙏🌈

    • nancy says:

      Such a glorious response Summer! Yes, abiding in the never ending, forever invigorating Fountain. Thanks for taking the time to share your heart—what a gift. YES, the best Father of all…Hallelujah!

  2. Craig says:

    Thank you Nancy!
    Thank you for reminding me to take a breath and slow down!
    I have all to often caught myself in such a hurry when on a job or task that I get more focused on the results then the journey!
    If we will all enjoy the journey a little more we will see that those blips in our paths are not mistakes but blessings from God!
    God still speaks through the Holy Spirit. The question is, are we listening?

    • nancy says:

      You are welcome! I get it—rushing BUT MISSING the majestic. Such a pity. Eugene Peterson described it best when he penned “Living at the pace of a God-breathed life.” The sacred, holy slow of genuine faith and trust in God brings wonder and beauty into our lives. Great to see you here Craig.

  3. Jayni says:

    Absolutely inspiring. Thanh you for sharing with us. And yes, God’s had this well planned. Awesome meet!

  4. Sharon Dumas says:

    I so loved this “divine encounter” you had with Caleb. I’m often reminded to hold people & situations with an open hand so God doesn’t have to pry my fingers open. God’s fingerprints are all over this “shopping” experience with your sweet momma. The verse that comes to mind also is Proverbs 16:9: “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his path.” Love you sister.

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