I only had a few have to’s scheduled this past week. 

Monday morning, I ventured to the store first thing. I was lacking a few ingredients for a couple of savory soups. A dear friend needed some nourishing goodness—physically and emotionally. We agreed on an afternoon delivery, so I was eager to get things simmering. 

Across the parking lot, I noticed him. Seated by the entrance, his knees tucked to his chest and leaning against the brick column. A cardboard sign, lettered in black marker and too small to read, was propped up to his right. 

Hmmm . . . who have we here, Lord? Well, there he is, and here I am. This is no coincidence—I’m eager to discover what is up.

I love being old, silver-headed, and harmless. It makes engaging others easy. 

After greeting him, I asked if he needed anything, inquiring if he was hungry. He said he would like a muffin. 

Such a small request!

I asked him if he would like some fruit.

Life stirred in his eyes, “An orange!” 


Instead of shopping for my items, I grabbed an assortment of mini muffins, two large oranges, and a bottle of vitamin water. 

I thought of getting other items but listened to what he asked for and stayed in my lane. Well, except for the vitamin water. Carrying unnecessary things can become burdensome—homeless or not. 

I inquired, and he answered. Give him what he asked for, I thought. 

I delivered the items, and we chatted briefly. Hope gushed when he mentioned starting a new job at a nearby fast-food restaurant. He said he needed a tent. At that point, I noticed the request for a tent printed on his small cardboard sign. It was in the low 40’s that morning. A tent would offer protection from stinging cold temperatures.

Back in the store, I asked God about the tent as I shopped for the missing soup ingredients. 

Walmart is just down the street. I could run down there and see what they have. Should I do that, Lord?


Once in the car, I drove toward his location, but he had moved on. Moments later, I saw him moseying under the covered walkway carrying the bag of food I gave him. He was engaged in conversation with another young man who appeared to be homeless.

Scoring a muffin that morning was no small thing—there were none in the bakery department. Danish, assorted pastries, breads, bagels, and cakes in abundance but not a single blueberry, carrot cake, lemon, or other muffin could be found. The only muffins were the four plastic containers lined up at the end of the barren display table. Each tray held a dozen assorted mini muffins.While I desired to find a 4-pack of large muffins, I had to take what was available. 

The thought of getting a bag of oranges came to mind.

Once again, I had to rein myself in. Sure, I inquired about fruit, and he said an orange. One. Not a bag of oranges, just an orange.  

I confess I bought two of the best oranges I could find.

When the empty Gatorade bottle in the pocket of his backpack came to mind, I happened to be in the aisle where the bottled water was. Thus, the vitamin water—orange flavored. 

They sauntered down the sidewalk, and I drove away.

Perhaps the mini muffins and oranges were to share? Maybe he doesn’t like blueberry muffins, but his friend does. Only God knows.

What I do know is that come what may, I can walk with God. Imperfectly but willing. 

Prone to moments of leaning on my understanding and fleshly zeal, I am thankful for the Spirit’s guidance and power to rein me in.

Forgive me, Lord, for all the times I neglected Your promptings and did what I wanted, thought was best, or desired. 

The lessons I gleaned from Monday’s shopping trip set the trajectory for my week. I observed everything that came my way each day without interfering. I focused my mind on God’s will, not mine. With my heart, mind, and eyes open to whatever happened, I stayed close to Him and followed His lead.

God doled out extravagant gifts as I stepped into whatever came my way. Clarity, understanding, joy, love, kindness, plus compassion for myself and others were a few of His lavish blessings.

Reveling in His goodness without letting my left hand know what my right hand is doing was a grounding experience. 

Living with a come-what-may mindset helped me see why certain things appeared in my life. Specific items were in my care but only for a moment or a season. They were to bless another—I was merely a holding place for the intended recipient and then the deliverer of His goodness.  

Even the five-hour visit to the emergency room with my 92-year-old mother became an opportunity to realize this was a come-what-may situation. Her new exercise routine caused painful inflammation in her leg, but she will recover. Not quick enough for her, but in God’s time.

The come-what-may confidence in God helped me avoid shame for missing a loved one’s birthday, allowed me to observe and learn profound lessons, and provided space for me to jump into ‘what came’ without hesitation when it was clear He was opening a door.

By embracing whatever came as that which was appointed or permitted, I discovered glimpses of God and His goodness. I would have missed so much if I had determined what would come and how things should unfold. Instead I had the most peaceful week of enlightening surprises and the joy of knowing I was in step with Him.

Come what may I want to go with Him, walk in His ways, and see more of what He is doing. How about you?

One more thing. I am asking God to provide a tent or lodging for this precious soul. Will you join me in praying for abundant provision and success in overcoming homelessness for this young man? There are many in need of the hope, healing, and transformation Jesus provides.

If I could live life over, I’d try to do less for God, and let Him do more through me. 


As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

1 Timothy 6:17-19 English Standard Version

Take hold of that which is truly life—yes, Lord, we want that! And Lord, will You help us remember daily to mind Your business, not just our own?


A silly sheep drenched in grace, inviting others to follow the Gentle Shepherd as we stumble Home. Author, speaker, giddy-greedy-grateful girl for all of God's goodness!

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10 Responses

  1. They will know us by our love. Praising God for you!

  2. Peggy says:

    Yes Lord, help us to mind Your business daily!

  3. Anna says:

    “If it’s not one thing, it’s aMother” That’s what I say, tongue in cheek, when my Mom calls for help. Which she does frequently. I already had a “come what may” attitude. What’s new to me is the idea of a “come what may” confidence in God. So instead of feeling burdened when my husband needs my attention and help, I will see it as an opportunity to extend “lovingkindness”

  4. Jayni Selllers says:

    Praising God for your amazing heart! Thank you for sharing what the love of Christ is!

  5. Kasnadra says:

    Thank you Nancy! Come what may is so appropriate!

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