All This And Heaven Too

She was in a bind. Her appointment began before her husband returned from work, and she needed someone to care for her two littles.

The one-hour gap in parental coverage seemed impossible until a friend of mine offered to watch her children. If the mom could bring the kids to Sherry’s home, she would care for them until their father arrived. 

Late in the afternoon, the grateful mom delivered her 3-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son to Sherry’s place.

Sherry—imagine sunshiny happiness with a playful spirit—greeted the children. Although the young mom and Sherry were close friends, the children did not know Sherry.

Mom mode kicked in. My friend greeted the kids and asked if they would like to see her dollhouse. 

Distracted by the prospect of discovery, the kids followed Sherry like the pied piper. Their mom told them goodbye and slipped out of the door. 

When the little girl—standing eye-level with the second floor of the dollhouse saw the wonder of tiny beds, a bathtub, and the collection of miniature life arrayed before her, she paused. Whispering in amazement, she asked, “Is all of this for us?”

Wide-eyed Wonder

I could not help but think of us—God’s littles when I heard the tale of the dollhouse discovery.

To stand dazzled by the extravagance God has lavished upon us and marvel, “All of this—for us?” 

Only to hear in the depth of our being, our Maker’s loving response, “Yes!”


Diving headfirst into the depths of God’s gifts without hesitation would mean constant growth in the knowledge of God. Experiential knowledge—the kind that wrecks us for merely eking out an existence. A familiarity with Truth that refuses to settle for less than God offers, catapulting us from any hum-drum condition into the vast expanse of pulsing Life. 

How about gazing upon the glory of grace, mercy, and forgiveness with giddy exuberance, eager to explore the depths of these riches? We can expect life as we know it to shift.

Tasting the sweetness of reconciliation, restoration, and genuine relationship fortifies us, urging us to know and enjoy the Infinite more. 

Plunked down and surrounded by creation, bombarded by Wisdom’s touch within and without inspires worship—if we only have eyes to see.  


What Do You See?

Have the challenges of life dimmed your vision of God?

Is pain exalting itself in your mind, elbowing out His goodness? 

Perhaps you are weary, worn out, or worse—distracted. Whatever we focus on determines our direction and influences our affections.  

With all the commotion about New Year’s resolutions, goals, side hustles, and becoming your best self swirling in our midst, I offer you something gentler—a long look at the Savior.

What would happen if you came, like a child, and surveyed all the goodness God has arranged for you? I am not talking about dashing in for a glimpse but gazing deeply and lingering long in His presence—heart and Bible open. Dialoging with God while eyeing all He has set before you.

How would it feel to behold the unspeakable riches that are yours in Christ? 

When was the last time you were mesmerized by God’s provision or overwhelmed by His kindness?

What would happen if you came, like a child,
and surveyed all the goodness God has arranged for you?

Where To Begin?

If you are wondering how to gaze upon the goodness of God, may I offer a suggestion? 

The first chapter of Ephesians contains a treasure trove of magnificent riches every child of God possesses. What begins with a pronouncement of grace and peace unfolds, heralding the fantastic position, possessions, and future hope of all of God’s kids. 

Humbly grazing in these fantastic passages will stir your affections and increase your adoration of our good Father.

If you want to assimilate more of these breathtaking truths, try personalizing verses 3 through 14. Change the wording to me and my, and add your name where applicable as you handwrite each verse.

Draw near to God, dear one, as you slowly examine the first chapter of Ephesians. By personalizing what is true of every Christ follower, you too may ask, “Is all of this for us?”

Yes, it is—and so much more. 


New Year—New Perspective

I want to live with as much delight about God and everything He has given us in Christ as the little one enamored with the dollhouse. How about you?

Click here to listen to Come Thou Long Expected Jesus by Meredith Andrews. Let these gospel-saturated lyrics remind you of who Jesus is, what He has done and continues to do as we live waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promise—Jesus Christ’s return.

All of this, and heaven too!


A silly sheep drenched in grace, inviting others to follow the Gentle Shepherd as we stumble Home. Author, speaker, giddy-greedy-grateful girl for all of God's goodness!

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