Author: nancy


SHADE OF GRACE — PART TWO Trusting God Brings Perfect Peace

Trusting God Brings Perfect Peace The Shade A few weeks ago I was in the backyard under the shade of a towering pecan—thinking. The contrast from previous weeks with their cooler temps and overcast skies made the shade a welcome refuge. Lingering under the canopy of youthful leaves provided relief from the piercing sun and stifling heat. As I sat there enjoying the blissful respite I began considering shade. Then it dawned on me—shade is all grace. It is a refuge from the intense sun, a covering of coolness, and a place to rest. Immediately the thought of God’s Word being like...

mower 10


It’s Hot Out Here Think Hot Texas summers can be brutal. By August the monotonous stretches of 90-plus-degree temperatures leave you desperate for relief. The afternoon sun was high and so was the grass. Mowing earlier in the day would have been wise, but schedules and life often require flexibility. A couple of passes in the front yard and my pores were leaking. Rivulets of sweat ran down my face and back while flecks of grass and dust kicked up by the mower plastered my clammy legs. Wiping my eyes while trudging across the too-tall turf, I vowed I would...



Change—Different Season Talk about coming in with a bang, Autumn arrived in North Texas with a festive flair and refreshing temps. What a blessing! After the sweltering summer heat, the cooler weather and shorter days are a welcome relief. Change is constant. I recall a friend saying most people hate change because it reminds them that they are not in control.  What if we embraced change as an instructor?  Change—Different Perspective Instead of falling apart, digging in our heels, or working ourselves into an emotional tizzy, what if we learned to view change as a way to learn more about...

Anticipating departure preparing eternityanticipate, planning, preparing, departure, eternity, anticipation, suitcase, ready, prepared, suitcase open, Woohoo!, Nancy Gibson 2

Anticipating Departure and Preparing for Eternity

We are all in the same condition—daily rolling through 24 hours. Each of us exchanging our minutes for something. Our most valued desires vying for space around the non-negotiables like work or school.