Category: Comfort and Hope

Giving brings blessing 0

GIVING — A Poem and Some Pondering Points

The Giver God’s scandalous kindness and His excessive goodness gush forth unhindered. Revitalizing streams of mercy and vast oceans of grace are free for the taking. The upside-down kingdom where in giving we receive and in dying we live defies human reasoning. Yet every time we give, as led by Him, we are splashed, refreshed, and invigorated by Love Himself. Praise Him! The Divine Design—A Paradox Enriched beyond what’s given Replenished by His grace Supplying, never lacking Decadent disgrace Obnoxious overflowing Continual supplies Giving from His fullness Barrenness denied Receiving in the giving  Mysterious refrain  Deepening communion No loss, only...

mower 10


It’s Hot Out Here Think Hot Texas summers can be brutal. By August the monotonous stretches of 90-plus-degree temperatures leave you desperate for relief. The afternoon sun was high and so was the grass. Mowing earlier in the day would have been wise, but schedules and life often require flexibility. A couple of passes in the front yard and my pores were leaking. Rivulets of sweat ran down my face and back while flecks of grass and dust kicked up by the mower plastered my clammy legs. Wiping my eyes while trudging across the too-tall turf, I vowed I would...